
8 Pitfalls to Avoid being Stuck
Wednesday, November 14, 2018 by Dee Lundgren MA, LPC

Stuck. It’s a frustrating feeling.


The day after returning to Philadelphia from my daughter’s wedding in Cancun, I was caught in a blizzard.


My plan was to leave the office once the snow got heavy. When the snow began it was already too late. As I started driving, the thick snowfall was blinding. I was forced to stop in the middle of the road and use my arm to clear the windshield.


When I got back into the car, it couldn’t go forward.  Back and forth the car rocked, digging itself into a deeper rut. Several other cars in both directions also couldn’t move.


When I saw a tow truck get stuck is when I decided I’d try walking the five miles home. I was able to back up and park the car. Temperatures were dropping and businesses along the road had closed early.


Within an hour of trudging through the snow, I accepted a ride home from a stranger in an SUV. And unlike in the movies, I didn’t die.


In life we all can get stuck. I’ve put together eight ways we stay stuck when we experience trials along with some positive thoughts.



  1. Blaming God for our trials.  Reasoning if God is sovereign and powerful, He should have prevented the loss. It is important to realize God is totally holy and isn’t the author of evil. 


   2. Thinking good Christians won’t experience emotional pain. The opposite is true as we learn in 1 Peter 4:12.           


    3. Not allowing enough time to grieve your losses.  Grief takes longer than we expect. Experts say the loss of a child takes 6-10 years to grieve. Divorce can take a few years to mourn. So be patient with yourself.             


     4. Assuming crying means you lack faith or are weak.  Jesus wept. John 11:35


     5. Believing the lie that trials mean you lack faith.  Hebrews 11:39 tells us: These were all commended for their faith, yet none of them received what had been promised.


     6. Not being involved in a local church. The Bible warns against forsaking getting together to worship. Hebrews 10:25


     7. Not mourning each loss when multiple problems occur in a short period of time. Remember that each heartache needs to be mourned. Blessed are they who mourn. Matthew 5:4  


     8. Blaming ourselves and engaging in guilt.  We look back wondering if we had done things differently we could have prevented the loss. Always remember: Jesus died for our guilt. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9




***Feel free to comment below or email me if you would like me to expand one of these points in a future blog. 

***Sign up with your e-mail on the home page to receive my weekly blogs.

#Grief #Christian #Counseling #HelpHopeandHealing #Author



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Debbie Warren From Tarpon Springs FL At 11/15/2018 7:18:24 AM

Love the illustration Dee! Excellent example and so very true. Thanks for putting into words what is in many of our thoughts. it is very difficult when several things come after you at once to stop and breathe and get a hold of yourself and TRUST God. Grieving isn't a quick process.

Reply by: Dee Lundgren

Thanks I went through a lot for the illustration! I agree grieving is a slow process but worth it. Who wants to be stuck--I don't.

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